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Laying the Foundation Episode 1

Laying the Foundation

· 43:27

Before we get into the "meat and potatoes" of our Ellen White series, we need to lay a foundation on where the Adventist Church came from so we can then talk about where we are today. 

What do you hope we cover/discuss in this series on Ellen G White and Adventism? 

Show Notes/Resources:
-Memoirs of William Miller by Sylvester Bliss, 1853 
-Daniel 8 : 13-14
-Development of Seventh-day Adventist Theology, Merlin Burt, 2019
-Matthew 24 : 36
-Matthew 25 : 1-13
-Orlando Squires, “Where is Heaven?,” Voice of the Shepherd, March 1845, 4, 5. 
-C. H. Fenton, “The Harvest of the Earth,” Voice of the Shepherd, March 1845, 1.


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